Summary of Building Standards and Processes
for New Construction and Exterior Renovations
WRPOA Architectural Control
Download the complete Building Standards document.
Congratulations on planning to build your new home or make changes to your existing property here in Waggener Ranch!
Please remember that there are restrictions and standards in place that must be addressed before any new construction, or renovation of existing homes, can proceed. These restrictions are meant to protect all of our property values and ensure the tranquility of our unique and beautiful development. A complete, updated copy of our Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions is available for download at the CC&R link on the Home Page. This summary document is meant to serve as a quick reference guide to the CC&R’s as well as provide areas of clarification as it relates to the design, construction, landscaping, and other aspects of completing your project.
The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is here to help you and your Builder through the entire experience. Staffed by property owners with considerable experience in home construction, members of this committee volunteer their time meeting with new homeowners, Builders, subcontractors, and county officials to ensure that all construction meets the high standards set forth by the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. The stated mission of the ACC is "To protect and preserve the value of Waggener Ranch property through publication and enforcement of restrictions on construction design and materials of new and existing buildings". To ensure that building or renovating your home is as enjoyable and exciting as it should be, please be sure to contact a member of the ACC before you build so they may review and approve, your exterior designs, plans, or drawings. The ACC Rules & Regulations and Minimum Construction Standards are designed to help you with your building experience are available under the Members - Documents link of the WRPOA website. Remember, these committee members are only there to help you and to protect the property values of all our owners.
Again this document is only a reference, and does not replace the recorded CC&R’s and other material noted above, which take precedent.
The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Waggener Ranch are divided into 10 different articles covering many topics. The primary articles dealing with home construction and renovations are covered by the following:
Article 1 - All Sections Definitions
Article 4 - All Sections Architectural Control Committee
Article 5 - All Sections Easements
Article 7 - Section 1 Maintenance and Repairs – By the Owners
Article 8 - All Sections Restrictions on Use
Article 9 - Section 9 General Provisions – Building Sites
This Reference is divided into two sections, the first for New Construction and the second for Exterior Renovations to existing property.
New Construction
The selection of a lot, developing architectural plans, selecting a Builder, developing landscaping plans, understanding easements, etc. is just part of the large number of tasks ahead. The ACC is here to help and we strongly recommend that you engage early and often to help navigate through the process of building your home. A primary and secondary Point of Contact is assigned to each lot within the Ranch, but any of the ACC committee members are approachable and willing to help. You can find their contact information under the Members - Committee section of the WRPOA website.
Builder Selection and Approvals
Developing a plan is a major part of the process and a plan review can take place before, in parallel with the Builder selection, or can come after. Regardless the ACC is always willing to assist the property owner; pre- plan, plan review, during construction; as often as necessary. Two sets of plans are submitted to the ACC committee so that the plans can be reviewed for approval.
Selecting a Builder is another key element and choosing a quality, sustainable Builder who can deliver is paramount to any project. Therefore the ACC has developed an approval process and minimum Builder qualifications for Waggener Ranch. Each Builder is approved for each project, independent of previous projects. Appendix A outlines the minimum qualifications for a Builder. The ACC will review the request and will not take more than ten (10) days to approve or dis-approve once all of the Builder qualification documents are received.
Once a Builder has been approved and the plans reviewed, a meeting is scheduled to discuss the plans, Builder requirements, construction site plan, schedule, safety, and other important information. Appendix B – Builders Checklist summarizes the discussion agenda for the meeting.
Construction cannot begin until all issues are addressed and the ACC has approved the construction plans along with the Builder satisfying their deposit and insurance obligations.
The information in Appendix A and B, along with the Builders Agreement and Builders Insurance and Construction Start Requirements are all available on the WRPOA website under Members – Documents.
Easements and Setbacks
Article 5 of the CC&R’s addresses easements, specifically to utilities, street, common properties, including the perimeter fence around the Ranch, and drainage. Each lot at Waggener Ranch will have one or more designated easements on the plat. It is important that the owner and Builder are familiar with these easements.
In addition to the platted easements there are existing contours that define drainage. The integrity of the natural drainage must be maintained, of which no natural creek, ravine, or basin area can be altered. This is true of tree removal (except cedar trees) and contouring of the lot as well. The ACC must approve any tree removal, contour change or modification to drainage and is the primary reason that lot drainage is reviewed during the initial site plan review.
Article 8, Sections 6 and 13 address the location of improvements (setbacks) and natural vegetation areas located on each lot. The following provides a summary:
Each Living Unit shall face the front of the lot.
No building shall be located nearer than 100 feet to the front property line.
No building shall be located nearer than 25 feet to an interior side lot line or nearer than 50 feet to any side lot line adjacent to a street.
No building shall be located within 30 feet of the Reservation of Easement on the boundaries of the property (Article 5, Section 2). This easement is 35 feet from the Property Boundary line. Therefore, the distance of the setback for lots that are adjacent to the boundaries of the Ranch is 65 feet minimum.
For properties that are interior to the Ranch, no building shall be located nearer than 100 feet of the rear property line.
No barn or outbuilding door shall face the front of the lot.
No plantings or objects may be placed between 2 and 6 feet in height and 25 feet in each direction of intersecting streets.
A Natural Vegetation Preserve (NVP) is to be maintained 20 feet from interior side lot lines, 45 feet from street adjacent lot lines, and 50 feet from front and rear property lines.
Appendix C provides a general diagram of the setbacks and easement considerations.
Building Standards
Article 8 – Restrictions on Use coupled with Article 1 – Definitions, amendments, and ACC documents and interpretations define the minimum building standards for Waggener Ranch. The following provides a reference summary of this information, but it does not replace or supersede the documents that it references. It is advisable that the CC&R’s and other documents recorded and placed on the WRPOA website under Member – Documents are carefully reviewed.
Lots are strictly for Single Family Use.
Any commercial use of the property is defined in Article 8, Section 2.
No improvements shall be constructed on the property without ACC approval.
Construction must be completed within one (1) year.
The location of improvements must be in compliance with easements and setbacks.
All buildings, structures, and other improvements shall be of new construction. Single story homes must have a minimum of 2600 square feet of “living” space and two story homes must have a minimum of 3000 square feet. Detached buildings finished as a living space, like Guest/Servants quarters are not included in the calculation.
No temporary buildings and/or outbuildings may be used for residential use, either temporarily or permanently.
Exterior Finish
The construction of the primary, servant/guest quarter, or any other building, other than a barn meant to house animals, must be 75% masonry. Masonry is defined as stone, stone veneer, or stucco. Brick and cement board/siding is not considered masonry.
100% of the walls exposed to a view from any street will be masonry.
The portion of exposed chimney shall be 100% masonry, but is not included in the calculation to determine the 75% masonry restriction. The ACC recommends a chimney shroud be installed to provide a more finished look.
The ACC will consider other material for the remaining 25% exterior walls, but will not allow cement sheet siding, or similar sheet material.
Fascia trim board should be 8 inches. 2-inch by 8-inch wood or 5/4 cement trim board may be used with a cement board soffit. The ACC will consider other fascia dimensions on construction that uses exposed rafter overhangs.
The construction of a detached servant/guest quarters and other buildings must follow the same guidelines as the primary building.
The construction of a detached barn shall be a maximum of 1600 square feet and be of the same material as the primary Living Unit or it may have a wainscoting of masonry between 42 and 44 inches with the remaining wall material to be consistent with the Living Unit and approved by the ACC.
Garages can be attached or detached and must be for a minimum of two cars. If detached, the garage building must be of the same material and construction as the main Living Unit.
Driveways should be constructed of concrete, asphalt, pavers, or other materials that are approved by the ACC. The first 50 feet of the driveway from the front property line will be concrete. The driveway should have 4 feet of grass sod or river rock on both sides over the entire length to minimize erosion.
All exterior color schemes must be approved by the ACC and must be earth tone in color.
Fencing is not required, however the owner may install a 4 foot King Ranch style fence on the property as a perimeter fence as long as it is no closer than 25 feet of the lot line on interior sides and 50 feet on front, rear, and street facing sides. The specific construction of this type of fence and gates is described in Article 8, Section 17, paragraphs a through c.
Interior fences inside the building envelope (within 100 feet of the main Living Unit) may be constructed of cedar board, wrought iron or similar style with approval of the ACC. A fence of this nature should not exceed four foot in height as a general rule.
Chain link fencing is not allowed.
Roofs of all improvements, including Living Units, garages, barns and other outbuildings shall be slate, fire retardant composition shingle (minimum 30 year), standing-seam metal, concrete tile, or roofing tile. All units shall use the same material and color.
The use of solar panels is allowed and should be submitted to the ACC for review and approval.
All roof penetrations should be on the non-street facing side of the structure.
No window air conditioners are allowed in any building unit.
Swimming pools must be approved by the ACC. Article 8, Section 23 describes in detail the specifics of pool construction and location. A fence must be constructed to protect the access to the pool. In general, a fence that is in compliance with Article 8, Section 17 will be adequate as a minimum. However, the ACC strongly recommends that owners and contractors carefully consider safety factors during the design and planning of the​ swimming pool. See pool fencing recommendations on website under Member – Documents for a few items to consider.
Outdoor lighting must be approved by the ACC and should be of design to minimize light pollution of the night sky and minimize visibility from any other part of the property or adjacent property. Appendix D provides examples of low light pollution exterior fixtures.
Effluents from septic systems must not spray onto any easements, setbacks, or onto the Natural Vegetation Preserve. The ACC, in coordination with Comal County, will review and approve the placement of the septic system.
Construction hours are Monday through Saturday between 7:00 am and 6:00pm during standard time and 7:00 am and 7:00 pm during daylight saving time. Exceptions may be granted for extenuating circumstances (i.e., concrete pour days).
No open fires or burning of brush, wood scraps, or any other materials is allowed.
Landscaping plans must be submitted and approved by the ACC during the construction period. The ACC point of contact will provide a timetable for this submission. Landscape Design Guidelines can be found on the Members – Documents section of the WRPOA website.
Exterior Renovation/Remodel
Article 4, Section 10 of the CC&R’s defines the need for ACC approval of any change or addition to the exterior of an existing home and/or the Lot. Treat any exterior renovation similar to your “initial building effort”. All building standards, setbacks, easements remain the same as new construction. Added buildings, driveway expansions, new pools, new exterior fencing are examples. While not as extensive as the home project, these examples are identified within the WR CC&R’s as items requiring ACC approval.
Two sets of plans should be submitted to the ACC for review. A Renovation Contractor Agreement is required and can be found on the WRPOA Members Documents website. Appendix A of this document defines the minimum requirements for a Remodeling/Renovation Contractor.
Appendix A
Custom Builder Approval Requirements
Must be a full time professional custom homebuilder.
Provide company history and resume.
Provide a minimum of three references from previous custom home clients of built homes of $400,000 + excluding design and lot cost.
Provide a list of homes built with owner contacts within the last twenty-four months.
Builder must have built/started a minimum of 5 homes in the prior 18 months.
No spec home building allowed.
Builder must provide Waggener Ranch $2,500 deposit and sign Builder’s agreement with WR ACC before starting construction.
ACC review and approval of plans for building structure and landscaping drawings and specifications required on all improvements prior to start of construction/landscaping.
Minimum Insurance: Commercial General Liability ($1 million min.), Commercial Builders Risk (80% of value of cumulative work in place), Commercial Automobile ($1 million min.). Worker’s Compensation (Statutory): Not required, but highly recommended.
Exterior Remodeling/Renovation Builder Approval Requirements
Must be a full time professional Remodeling/Renovation Builder.
Provide company history and resume.
Provide a minimum of three references from previous remodeling/renovation clients of home projects $25,000+.
Provide a list of remodeled/renovated homes built with owner contacts within the last twenty-four months.
Builder must provide Waggener Ranch $2,500 deposit and sign Builder’s agreement with WR ACC before starting construction.
ACC review and approval of plans for building structure and landscaping drawings and specifications required on all improvements prior to start of construction/landscaping.
Minimum Insurance: Commercial General Liability ($1 million min.), Commercial Builders Risk (80% of value of cumulative work in place), Automobile ($1 million min.). - Worker’s Compensation (Statutory): Not required, but highly recommended.
Small Exterior Remodeling/Renovation Approval Requirements
Remodeling/renovation projects under $25,000, provide company history and resume. If work to be performed directly by owner, provide proof of qualifications.
Builder or owner must provide Waggener Ranch a $1,000 deposit. ACC may reduce or eliminate this deposit requirement, depending project’s scope and risk exposure.
ACC review and approval of plans for building structure and landscaping drawings and specifications required on all improvements prior to start of construction/landscaping.
​The ACC, by giving approval of a Builder, makes no implicit or explicit representations or warranties of any kind for the performance, either fiscally or for the quality of actual construction, of the approved Builder.
Appendix B
Waggener Ranch Architectural Control Committee
Builder Check List
ACC expectation is drawing and specification submittals will be complete, well planned and consistent with WR CC&Rs.
a. Incomplete submittals of drawings and specifications will be not be reviewed and returned for completion.
b. ACC requires two sets of plans. 1-ACC records, 1-approved to build for owner.
Following plan approval, Builder must attend pre-construction meeting with owner and ACC representative.
Builder must read, agree to and sign Builder Agreement.
Submit $2,500 Builder deposit check made out Waggener Ranch Property Owners Association.
Be prepared to discuss at pre-construction meeting plans which display:
a. Services and Equipment locations and visual screening of permanent equipment:
i. Temporary construction utilities, waste disposal services, parking & storage areas, signage, site access, drainage & erosion controls, etc.
ii. Protection of Natural Vegetation Preserve along all property lines
iii. Permanent Water well, Septic, Propane, Electrical, HVAC, Pool
b. Main house structure and other approved out structures site layout locations, floor, foundation & roof plans, and elevations. Main building footprint markers to be set by licensed surveyor. Walk site to identify:
i. 100’ or more building set back from front property line 25’ or more set back from other property lines (refer to CC&Rs Article 5, section 2, Article 8, sections 6,13,15 & 17 and addendums)
ii. Placement of driveway
iii. Tree Removals
iv. Tank locations above/below ground (water, septic, propane, other)
v. Electric below ground required to home. Electrical transformer/panel/power supply is encouraged to be placed with minimal view from the roadway and as far back from the road as reasonably possible.
vi. Roof penetrations restricted to rear and side elevations
vii. Lot Drainage - Drainage Plan submittal approval and erosion and sediment runoff controls for protection of established drainage patterns
viii. Landscaping plans
c. Other Discussion items and expectations:
i. Site Safety Plan and Emergency Contact Phone Numbers
ii. Construction period within one year and work schedule days & hours
iii. Development gate access
iv. Waggener Ranch speed limit 25 mph will be strictly enforced
v. Required submittals of exterior stone, roof, stucco, trim color samples
vi. Lighting restrictions
vii. 8” minimum facia at roof line
viii. First 50’ from property line of driveway in concrete. Metal culvert with concrete apron. 4’ width of grass or river rock on sides length that can be seen from street or neighbors tapered for proper drainage and erosion control or ACC approved alternate.
ix. Approved Entry Gate and Fences
x. Temporary facilities & site organization & cleanup – porta-toilets, dumpsters, clean-up daily
xi. No burning, fireworks or firearms permitted
xii. Noise and dust control
This Check List IS NOT a substitute for the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions or Waggener Ranch ACC rules and regulations for minimum construction standards.
Appendix C
Waggener Ranch Architectural Control Committee
Property Easements & Setbacks

Appendix D
Waggener Ranch Architectural Control Committee
Examples of Exterior Light Fixtures